
(Macintosh only) Renders the contents of the PageMaker internal clipboard to the external Clipboard, or vise versa, overwriting the current contents of the receiving clipboard.

Command constructor

PRenderClip(PMBool bDirection);
false to render the contents of the external Clipboard into the PageMaker internal clipboard
true to render the contents of the PageMaker internal clipboard into the external Clipboard
Macintosh only. This command has no effect in PageMaker for Windows.

PageMaker in foreground and in layout view. PageMaker must be in the foreground and in layout view when this command is executed; otherwise an error will be returned.

Pasting from the PageMaker internal clipboard. PageMaker cuts and copies selected objects to its internal clipboard, not to the standard Macintosh Clipboard. To paste data copied or cut by PageMaker into another application, you must force PageMaker to render its internal clipboard into the external Clipboard. If you don't, the application pastes the current contents of the Clipboard, not the data from PageMaker.

PageMaker renders its clipboard to the external format only when it:

Pasting from the external Clipboard. PageMaker renders the external Clipboard into its internal clipboard only when it: Example. The following example renders the external Clipboard to the PageMaker internal format.


See also

The PCut and PPaste commands

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Cut

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Paste

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